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               THEMES IN HISTORY  

A site which provides information on concepts in history, geography,democratic politics,civics,sociology,alphabetical history. Purely developed for the benefit of students of CBSE(Central Board of Secondary Education) New Delhi., India and abroad

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XII History CBSE

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     XI History CBSE

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x History CBSE

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      i x History CBSE

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xi cbse history model paper
x cbse social science model paper 
ix cbse social science model paper
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vii cbse social science model paper
vi cbse social science model paper

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chinese emperors
Sunday, April 1, 2007
2100 BC to 1066 BC : Xia and Shang Dynasty Emperors

1066 BC to 221 BC : Zhou Dynasty Emperors Including Warring States Period

221 BC to 220 AD: Qin and Han Dynasty Emperors

220 BC to 280 AD: Three Kingdoms Period Emperors

265 AD to 439 AD: Western and Eastern Jin Dynasty Emperors

420 AD to 479 AD: Southern Dynasties Emperors

386 AD to 581 AD: Northern Dynasties Emperors

581 AD to 907 AD: Sui and Tang Dynasty Emperors

907 AD to 960 AD: The Five Dynasties Emperors

960 AD to 1279 AD: Song Dynasty Emperors

916 AD to 1234 AD: Liao, Western Xia and Jin Dynasties Emperors

1271 AD to 1644 AD: Yuan and Ming Dynasty Emperors

1644 AD to 1911 AD: Qing Dynasty Emperors


posted by shesh kumar @ 2:58 AM   0 comments
Long March 1934
Long March, historic 9,600 km (6,000 mi) journey by the Chinese Communists and the Red Army, undertaken in 1934, after the liquidation campaign of the Guomindang (Kuomintang) leader Chiang Kai-shek dislodged them from their bases in Jiangxi (Kiangsi) Province. The march began in October 1934, when some 100,000 soldiers, officials, and followers left Jiangxi. By January 1935 they had reached northern Guizhou (Kweichow). There the march halted for the conference at Zunyi (Tsun-i) that acknowledged Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) as the dominant party leader. Traversing difficult terrain and continually fighting for survival against Guomindang forces as well as hunger and disease, the 8,000-strong remnant of the marchers reached Shaanxi (Shensi) in October 1935 and established headquarters at Yanan (Yenan). The ranks were later swelled by other units of the Red Army.


posted by shesh kumar @ 2:54 AM   0 comments
Question Bank on theme 4

Theme 4: The Central Islamic Lands

  1. Mention important years and events from the life of Prophet Mohammad.
  2. Give a chronologicval account of the central Islamic lands.
  3. What were the features of the lives of the Bedluins in the early seventh century?
  4. What is meant by the term “Abbasid revolution”?
  5. Give examples of the cosmopolitan character of the states set up by Arabs, Iranians and Turks.
  6. How were Islamic architectural forms different from those of the Roman Empire?
  7. Describe a journey from Samarqand to Damascus, Referring to the cities on the route.
  8. Who used the Aramic language?
  9. Give a note on Hizra (Islamic) calendar.
  10. Who were Mawali?

posted by shesh kumar @ 2:45 AM   0 comments
Question Bank on Theme 3


Theme 3:An empire Across three continents:

  1. What were the areas, which came into the control of Alexander’s rule?
  2. Give a note on the invasions of Alexander.
  3. What is the importance of the timeline of c.100 BCE to 1300 CE?
  4. Give the chronological account of the eight historical developments in Africa.
  5. Give the chronological account of main developments in Europe
  6. Give the chronological account of any major eight developments in Asia
  7. Give the chronological account of main historical developments in South Asia
  8. Give the chronological account of major developments in Americas
  9. Mention the main historical resources for the writing of roman history.
  10. Give a note on the extension of the Roman empire.
  11. Which empire was the main rivalry of roman empire from the birth of Christ to early 7th century (630s)?
  12. On the given map of Europe and Africa mark any ten places associated with the Roman Empire.
  13. Give a note on the extension of the Iranian empire.
  14. “The emperor, senate and the Army ” were the three main players in the political history of the roman empire. Discuss
  15. Write a detailed note on the early Roman Empire.
  16. Explain the following: 1.Republic 2. Conscripted Army 3.Civil War 4.Public Baths 6.Administrators in Roman empire 7. Roman Provinces 8.Military commanders 9.Bishop 10. Saint Augustine 11. Frankincense 12.Jewish War

13. Christianisation 14. laity 15. Monolith

  1. Write the major difference between the super powers that is Iranian and Roman Empires.
  2. How did the Roman emperors manage to govern such a vast territory? Whose collaboration was crucial to this?
  3. Name the great urban centres that lined the shores of the Mediterranian.
  4. What was the Third-century Crisis?
  5. What was the ancient name of Algeria?
  6. What do you mean by Mapalia?
  7. Archaeologists who work on the remains of pottery are a bit like detectives. Can you explain why? Also, what can amphorae tell us about the economic life of the Mediterranean in the Roman period?
  8. How independent were women in the Roman world? Compare the situation of the Roman family with the family in India today.
  9. If you had lived in the Roman Empire, where would you rather have lived –in the towns or in the countryside? Explain why?
  10. Compile a list of some of the towns, cities, rivers seas and provinces of Roman empire and Iranian empire.
  11. Mark the towns, cities , rivers seas and provinces of Roman empire and Iranian empire on the map of Europe,Africa and West Asia.
  12. Imagine that you are a Roman housewife preparing a shopping list for household requirements. What would be on the list?
  13. Why do you think the Roman government stopped coining in silver? And which metal did it begin to use for the production of coinage?
  14. Pick out some basic features of Roman society and economy which you think make it look quite modern.
  15. What do you mean by “Late Antiquity”. Discuss .
  16. Describe any two methods that the Romans used to control labour(workers).
  17. Write a note the Roman Bureaucracy.
  18. Write a note on the Roman monetary system.
  19. Write a note on the social structure of the Roman society as per the description of Tacitus.
  20. Who was the first roman emperor?
  21. Give a chronological account of the Roman empire .
posted by shesh kumar @ 2:27 AM   0 comments
Some selected notes on Empires

II Empires:

An empire across three continents:


Historic political developments from 6th to 4th century BCE:

  1. Iranians: By the 6th century BCE, Iranians had established control over major parts of the Assyrian empire.
  2. Net works of trade developed overland, as well as along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea.
  3. Greek cities :In the eastern Mediterraniean, Greek cities and their colonies benefited from improvements in trade that were the result of these changes.

They also benefited from close trade with nomadic people to the north of the

Black Sea.

  1. Campaigns of Alexander:In the late 4th century BCE the major Greek city states were Athens and spartha. The ruler of Macedon Alexander took a series of military campaigns and conquered pats of North Africa, West Asia and Iran, reaching up to the Beas. Here, his soldiers refused to proceed further east. Alexander’s troops retreated, though many greeks stayed behind.
  2. Impact of Alexander’s Invasion:

i. The Greeks and local people of areas under the Alexander’s control shared the Hellenistic cultural traditions and ideas

ii. Greek became well known language in these areas.

iii. The political unity in these areas came to an end after the death of Alexander.

  1. After the death of Alexander developments in Italy:

i. Small well organized military forces of central Italian forces took advantage of the political discord that followed the disintegration of Alexander’s empire.

ii. Established control over North Africa and the eastern Mediterranean form the second century BCE.

iii. Rome was republic.

iv. Government was based on a complex system of election, but its political institutions gave some important to birth and wealth and society benefited from slavery.

v. The roman republic established a network for trade between the states that had once been part of Alexander’s empire.

vi. In the middle of the first century BCE, under Julius Caesar the great military commander this roman empire extended to present day Britain and Germany.

vii. Latin became the main language of the empire.

viii. The Main political changes brought out in Roman empire in the end of the first century BCE:

ix. The Christianity was brought up as substantial change in 4th century BCE, when the emperor Constatine became a Christian in the 4th century CE.


posted by shesh kumar @ 2:23 AM   0 comments
Question Bank on Displacing Indigenous Peoples

Displacing Indigenous Peoples

1.List out the native names derived from rivers and towns etc.of USA.

2.List out the native names derived from rivers and towns etc.of Canada.

3. List out the native names derived from rivers and towns etc. of Australia.

4.Give literal meanings of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

5. Write a brief note on European imperialism in different parts of the world.

6. What do you mean by the term “native”.

7. Give a brief note on the boundaries of the North America continent.

8. Mention about the natives or the original inhabitants of the North America.

9. Mention different terms, which are used in English for the native peoples of the “New World”.

10. Name the native tribe who live now near California.

11. Who was the third president of the USA?

12. On the given outline map of USA mark the following:

i. Territories of USA in 1783.

ii. Territories of USA purchased from Spain in 1819.

iii. Territories ceded by Mexico in 1848

13. What do you mean by Anthropology?

14. What do you mean by “GoldRush”?

15. Give a note on Karl Marx.

16. Give a brief note on the constitutional Rights incorporated by the USA Constitution.

17. Give a note on Gold Rush and the growth of industries in USA.

18. Comment on any points of difference between the native peoples of south and North America.

19. Other than the use of English, what other features of English economic and social life do you notice in nineteenth-century USA?

20. What did the frontier mean to the Americans?

21. Why was the history of the Australian native peoples left out of history books?

22. How satisfactory is a museum gallery display in explaining the culture of a people? Give examples from your own experience of a museum.

23. Imagine an encounter in California in about 1880 between four people: a former African slave a Chinese labourer, a German who had come out in the Gold Rush, and native of the Hopi tribe, and narrate their conversation.

posted by shesh kumar @ 2:18 AM   0 comments
notes on selected questions related to nomadic empires

Nomadic Empires

1. Write a note on nomadic societies.

Ans: 1.No chronicles, travelogues and documents produced by city-based litterateurs by steppe dwellers. City-based litterateurs produced by only ignorant and biased reports of nomadic life.

2. Who were the main writers on Mongol historiography.

Ans:Imperial experience of Mongols: Many individuals from Buddhist, Confucian, Christian, Turkish and Muslim background wrote about the Mongols.

3.Russian scholars of 18th and 19th centuries wrote much about the Mongols.

4.The main sources for writing Mongol history were eulogies.

5.What is the place of Genghis khan and the emerging Mongol empire in the history according to the Marxist historiography.

The latter Russian historians followed the Marxist historiography for writing the Mongol history particularly the Genghis Khan. The Marxist historiography kept Genghis Khan and the emerging Mongol empire within a scale of human evolution that was witnessing a transition from a tribal to a feudal mode of production from a relatively classless society to one where there were wide differences between the lord, the owners of land and the peasant.

3.Name two important scholars of Russia who worked on Mongol history.

1. Boris Yakovlevich Vladimirtsov 2.Vasily Vladimirovich Bartold

4.Give a note on Vasily Vladimirovich Bartold’s writings on Genghis Khan.

1.His sympathetic and positive assessment of the career and achievements of the

Mongols under Genghis Khan and his successors got him into trouble with the censors during the Stalin rule of Soviet Union and his writings were not allowed to publish.

2. Later during the period of Khrushev his writing were allowed to publish in USSR..

5. Give a note on different sources (works) for the writing of the history of Mongols .

There are several sources available to write the Mongol history. These include the following.

  1. Most of the sources were written in Chinese, Mongolian, Persian and Arabic but vital materials are also available in Italian, Latin, French and Russian languages.
  2. The earliest narrative on Genghis Khan that is “The Secret History of the Mongols”

(Mongqol-un niuea tobeaan)

  1. Eulogies: which challenged and complicated the otherwise hostile, city based tiradeagainst the steppe marauders. The history of the Mongols, therefore, provides interesting details to question the manner in which sedentary societies usually characterized nomads as primitive barbarians.
  2. Marco polo’s traveler’s account during his visit to Mongol court.
  3. Mongols produced little literature.

6. Write a note on the territories located in the Mongol Empire.

Mongolia, China, Tibet, Russian Principalities, Transoxiciana, Afghanistan, eastern Iran

and Iraq and Persia etc.

7. What was the political vision of Genghis Khan?

-Creation of a confederacy of Mongol tribes in the steppes of Central Asia.

-He declared that he has a mandate from God to rule the world.

- He wanted to create the largest empire in the world.

8. What do you mean by the term “barbarian”.

Ans: The term barbarian is derived from the Greek, someone whose language sounded like a random noise: “barber”. In Greek texts, barbarians were depicted like children, unable to speak or reason properly, cowardly, effeminate, luxurious, and cruel. Slothful, greedy and politically unable to govern themselves. The Romans used this term for German tribes , Gaulas and the Huns. The Chinese had different terms for the steppe barbarians but none of them carried a positive meaning.

9. What did Genghis Khan throughout his life?

Ans: Throughout his life Genghis Khan spent consolidating his hold over the Mongol tribes, leading and directing campaigns into adjoining areas in north China, Transoxiana, Afghanistan, eastern Iran and the Russian steppes.

posted by shesh kumar @ 2:16 AM   1 comments
Question Bank on Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution

  1. How did Britain’s involvement in wars from 1793 to 1815 affect British industries?
  2. What were the relative advantages of canal and railway transportation?
  3. What were interesting features of the ‘inventions’ of this period?
  4. Indicate how the supply of raw materials affected the nature of British industrialization.
  5. How were the lives of different classes of British women affected by the Industrial Revolution?
  6. Compare the effects of the coming of the railways in different countries in the world.
  7. What do you mean by the first industrial revolution?
  8. Why Britain became the first country to experience modern industrialization?
  9. Write the global significance of London in 18th century.
  10. Why the Bank of England was regarded as the center of the country’s financial system.
  11. Name any ten centers of Iron and coal manufacturing areas in England.
  12. Give a note on the following.

a. Coal Industry, b. Iron Industry, c. Cotton Spinning and Weaving Industry, d. Steam Power

  1. Name the four machines, which were invented for spinning and weaving industry.
  2. What were the changes brought out by the Industrial revolution in the way that children and women worked. Discuss.
  3. Who described the horrors of the industrial revolution in his novel Hard times belonged to 1812-70.
  4. Discuss the early industrialization on British towns and villages, and compare these with similar situations in India.
  5. Discuss the case for and against government regulation of conditions of work in industries.
  6. Write a critical note on the protest movements against the industrial revolution.
  7. Why the term the industrial revolution was challenged by the historians in 1970s? Discuss.

posted by shesh kumar @ 2:13 AM   0 comments
Question Bank on paths to modernization

Paths to Modernization

  1. What were the major developments before the Meiji restoration that made it possible for Japan to modernize rapidly?


  1. Discuss how daily life was transformed as Japan developed.
  2. How did the Qing dynasty try and meet the challenge posed by the Western powers?
  3. What were Sun Yat-Sen’s three principles?
  4. Did Japan’s policy of rapid industrialization lead to wars with its neighbors and destruction of the environment?
  5. Do you think that Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China were successful in Liberating China and laying the basis for its current success?
  6. The term “East Asia” refers to which countries.
  7. What is the basis for the modernization of Japan?
  8. Give a note on the leading Japanese scholar of China “Naito Konan”and his writings.
  9. What are the main rivers of China?
  10. What are the main ethnic groups of china?
  11. Give a note the Chinese food.
  12. Give a note on staple food in China.
  13. Give a note on staple food in China.
  14. Give a note on the geography of China.
  15. Write the tale of the Genji of china.
  16. What do you mean by the Meiji Restoration? Write a brief note on it.
  17. What do you mean by Japanese kanji?
  18. What do you mean by Hiragana in Japanese language?
  19. What do you mean by katakana in Japanese language?
  20. Give a note on black ships in Japanese terminology.
  21. Contrast the encounter of the Japanese and the Aztecs with the Europeans.
  22. Give a detailed note on Nishijin of Japan.
  23. What were the steps taken by the Japanese to modernize their economy?
  24. What do you mean by the aggressive nationalism? In Japan how it was brought out?
  25. Write a note on Tanaka Shozo (1841-1913) the self taught son of a farmer in Japan.

posted by shesh kumar @ 2:03 AM   0 comments
Content Contribution
         Themes in History      Author: kasarla shesh kumar

    Post Graduate Teacher

              in History

           KV Mount Abu

Themes and Concepts


  • Apr 1, 2007

  • Apr 8, 2007

  • Jun 1, 2007

  • Jul 1, 2007

  • Jan 14, 2008

  • Jan 16, 2008

  • Jan 17, 2008

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