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Question Bank on Industrial Revolution
Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Industrial Revolution

  1. How did Britain’s involvement in wars from 1793 to 1815 affect British industries?
  2. What were the relative advantages of canal and railway transportation?
  3. What were interesting features of the ‘inventions’ of this period?
  4. Indicate how the supply of raw materials affected the nature of British industrialization.
  5. How were the lives of different classes of British women affected by the Industrial Revolution?
  6. Compare the effects of the coming of the railways in different countries in the world.
  7. What do you mean by the first industrial revolution?
  8. Why Britain became the first country to experience modern industrialization?
  9. Write the global significance of London in 18th century.
  10. Why the Bank of England was regarded as the center of the country’s financial system.
  11. Name any ten centers of Iron and coal manufacturing areas in England.
  12. Give a note on the following.

a. Coal Industry, b. Iron Industry, c. Cotton Spinning and Weaving Industry, d. Steam Power

  1. Name the four machines, which were invented for spinning and weaving industry.
  2. What were the changes brought out by the Industrial revolution in the way that children and women worked. Discuss.
  3. Who described the horrors of the industrial revolution in his novel Hard times belonged to 1812-70.
  4. Discuss the early industrialization on British towns and villages, and compare these with similar situations in India.
  5. Discuss the case for and against government regulation of conditions of work in industries.
  6. Write a critical note on the protest movements against the industrial revolution.
  7. Why the term the industrial revolution was challenged by the historians in 1970s? Discuss.

posted by shesh kumar @ 2:13 AM  
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         Themes in History      Author: kasarla shesh kumar

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