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Nationalism in Europe: (chapter 1 x class) Selected Terms from
Sunday, July 1, 2007
A nation is the culmination of a long past of endeavours, sacrifice and devotion.
A heroic past, great men, glory, that is the social capital upon which one bases
a national idea. To have common glories in the past, to have a common will in
the present, to have performed great deeds together, to wish to perform still more,
these are the essential conditions of being a people.

Nation and solidarity: A nation is the culmination of a long past of endeavours,
sacrifice and devotion. A heroic past, great men, glory, that is the social capital

upon which one bases a national idea. To have common glories in the past, to have a
common will in the present, to have performed great deeds together, to wish to
perform still more, these are the essential conditions of being a people. A nation
is therefore a large-scale solidarity

Province: A province is its inhabitants; if anyone has the right to be consulted,
it is the inhabitant.

Nation and its responsibility: A nation never has any real interest in annexing or
holding on to a country against its will. The existence of nations is a good thing, a
necessity even. Their existence is a guarantee of liberty, which would be lost if the
world had only one law and only one master.'

Absolutism Literally, a government or system of rule that has no restraints on
the power exercised. In history, the term refers to a form of monarchical government
that was centralised, militarised and repressive.

Utopia A vision of a society that is so ideal that it is unlikely to actually exist.
In what way do you think.

Plebiscite:A direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept
or reject a proposal.

Conservatism: A political philosophy that stressed the importance of traditio

Established institutions and customs,and preferred gradual development to quick

Allegory: When an abstract idea (for instance, greed, envy, freedom, liberty
is expressed through a person or a thing. An allegorical story has two meanings,
one literal and one symbolic.

Ethnic:Relates to a common racial, tribal, or cultural origin or

background that a community identifies with or claims.

Feminist: Awareness of women's rights and interests based on the belief ofthe social,

economic and political equality of the genders

Ideology:System of ideas reflecting a particular political and social system.

Suffrage:The right to vote.

Nation-state: was one in which the majority of its citizens, and not only its

rulers,came to develop a sense of common identity and shared history or descent.

Thiscommonness did not exist from time immemorial; it was forged through

struggles,through the actions of leaders and the common people. is a good thing, a

necessity even. Their existence is a guarantee of liberty, which would be lost if the

world had only one law and only one master.'
posted by shesh kumar @ 3:45 AM  
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         Themes in History      Author: kasarla shesh kumar

    Post Graduate Teacher

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           KV Mount Abu

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