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Question Bank on Theme 3
Sunday, April 1, 2007


Theme 3:An empire Across three continents:

  1. What were the areas, which came into the control of Alexander’s rule?
  2. Give a note on the invasions of Alexander.
  3. What is the importance of the timeline of c.100 BCE to 1300 CE?
  4. Give the chronological account of the eight historical developments in Africa.
  5. Give the chronological account of main developments in Europe
  6. Give the chronological account of any major eight developments in Asia
  7. Give the chronological account of main historical developments in South Asia
  8. Give the chronological account of major developments in Americas
  9. Mention the main historical resources for the writing of roman history.
  10. Give a note on the extension of the Roman empire.
  11. Which empire was the main rivalry of roman empire from the birth of Christ to early 7th century (630s)?
  12. On the given map of Europe and Africa mark any ten places associated with the Roman Empire.
  13. Give a note on the extension of the Iranian empire.
  14. “The emperor, senate and the Army ” were the three main players in the political history of the roman empire. Discuss
  15. Write a detailed note on the early Roman Empire.
  16. Explain the following: 1.Republic 2. Conscripted Army 3.Civil War 4.Public Baths 6.Administrators in Roman empire 7. Roman Provinces 8.Military commanders 9.Bishop 10. Saint Augustine 11. Frankincense 12.Jewish War

13. Christianisation 14. laity 15. Monolith

  1. Write the major difference between the super powers that is Iranian and Roman Empires.
  2. How did the Roman emperors manage to govern such a vast territory? Whose collaboration was crucial to this?
  3. Name the great urban centres that lined the shores of the Mediterranian.
  4. What was the Third-century Crisis?
  5. What was the ancient name of Algeria?
  6. What do you mean by Mapalia?
  7. Archaeologists who work on the remains of pottery are a bit like detectives. Can you explain why? Also, what can amphorae tell us about the economic life of the Mediterranean in the Roman period?
  8. How independent were women in the Roman world? Compare the situation of the Roman family with the family in India today.
  9. If you had lived in the Roman Empire, where would you rather have lived –in the towns or in the countryside? Explain why?
  10. Compile a list of some of the towns, cities, rivers seas and provinces of Roman empire and Iranian empire.
  11. Mark the towns, cities , rivers seas and provinces of Roman empire and Iranian empire on the map of Europe,Africa and West Asia.
  12. Imagine that you are a Roman housewife preparing a shopping list for household requirements. What would be on the list?
  13. Why do you think the Roman government stopped coining in silver? And which metal did it begin to use for the production of coinage?
  14. Pick out some basic features of Roman society and economy which you think make it look quite modern.
  15. What do you mean by “Late Antiquity”. Discuss .
  16. Describe any two methods that the Romans used to control labour(workers).
  17. Write a note the Roman Bureaucracy.
  18. Write a note on the Roman monetary system.
  19. Write a note on the social structure of the Roman society as per the description of Tacitus.
  20. Who was the first roman emperor?
  21. Give a chronological account of the Roman empire .
posted by shesh kumar @ 2:27 AM  
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         Themes in History      Author: kasarla shesh kumar

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